Public Safety
Alamogordo Police Department
Keeping Alamogordo safe is a top priority. In 2018 the Alamogordo Police Department was re-accredited by the New Mexico Law Enforcement Professional Standards Council, for an additional 3 years. Accreditation is voluntary and not an easy task to complete. The process included the review of more than 200 professional standards and the Alamogordo Police department is only one in 20 agencies in the state that has this accreditation.
Alamogordo has a low crime rate and is home to a newly formed k9 unit. The police department is divided into 11 divisions consisting of patrol, K-9, School Resource Officers, Criminal Investigations (detectives), Animal Control, Evidence, Records, Administration, Dispatch, Training and Recruiting, and Community Relations Divisions.
Other Law Enforcement
The New Mexico Army National Guard and U.S. Border Patrol are also located in the city. The training center for the National Gaurd has undergone a remodel and expansion to provide a new 23,000 square foot modern facility with training classrooms and offices for the soldiers of Delta Company. The Alamogordo Station and Border Patrol is located approximately 90 miles from the border at 1997 Highway 54 South and employs approximately 105 officers. The Station monitors 16, 285 square miles extending north 100 miles and 30-40 miles in width, encompassing two military installations and the Tularosa Basin. The Border Patrol operates several checkpoints along the major highways and provides backup for stations located along the border.
Alamogordo Fire Department
The Alamogordo Fire Department is made up of full-time paid and volunteer firefighters. The city has five manned stations and the department recently acquired three new Pierce fire engines. The Alamogordo Fire Department provides fire protection within the city limits unless requested by Otero County or other agencies for major emergencies. The fire department employs 24 fire personnel in four divisions (HazMat, command unit, rope rescue, and Search and Rescue).